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SCORPION | BỌ CẠP | SKORPION | ESCORPIÓN | СКОРПИОН | SCORPIONE | サソリ | 전갈 | 蝎子 | แมงป่อง | n39 vlog


This is a new content from us. From now on, this channel will be a Live Dictionary for you to learn some vocabulary words from some popular languages.


The subject today is about one cute animal, SCORPION.

- Vietnamese is CON BỌ CẠP,

- French is LE SCORPION,

- German is DER SKORPION,

- Spanish is EL ESCORPIÓN,

- Russian is СКОРПИОН,

- Swedish is SKORPION,

- Italian is LO SCORPIONE,

- Japanese is サソリ,

- Korean is 전갈,

- Chinese is 蝎子,

- Thai is แมงป่อง.


Donate us in PayPal: mtien_red@yahoo.com if you want to support us making more videos.

Remember to give us even a like, cmt, share if you see this video's ok. Thanks so much!


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