Đăng 54 tháng trước bởi:
Tiến Phạm
Focus on Kids, Ignore The Red Dress Girl, Please - New School Year Opening Ceremony | Feeling Life
As you known, this is the time of new school year 2020 -2021 in our country, Vietnam, has begun. Of course all of Vietnamese schools hold the opening ceremony of the new school year on 5th - Sept every years. And there are always musical performances from teachers or pupils.
When you watch this video, please ignore the girl in red dress and focus on our kids. Kids, they are truly main characters of this performance but I guess that you can't do as my request :3
Now watching the video and have fun ^_^
#FeelingLife #newschoolyear #femaleteacher #teacher #cogiao #lekhaigiang #khaigiang #namhocmoi #giaovien #newschoolyearceremony #ceremony #Liveyourself #songtheocachcuaban #camnhancuocsong #cuocsong #lifestyle #travel
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